Samsung Galaxy Note8 Android 7 and Android 8 doesn't need root, it records calls loudly and clearly in two sides.
Please use following settings to record calls:
- Record Mode: 1
- Record Format: MP3
- Tune Audio Effect: No
- Tune Audio Route: Group3
- Tune Samsung1: Yes
- Tune Samsung2: Yes
- Tune Samsung3: No
Bluetooth Recording
Galaxy Note8 bluetooth recording works perfectly.
Wifi Call Recording
If you enabled the "wifi call" feature in your Galaxy Note8 you'll find "some calls were not recorded, it seems the recorder is unreliable". In fact, on the contrary, the recorder is super reliable. You should know the fact - wifi calls can't be recorded, no matter what recorder you are using in the market. This is limited by the ROM.
So please disable the "wifi call" feature in your phone, then all your calls will be reliably and perfectly recorded.
Fake call
After upgrading to Android 8.0 some Galaxy Note8 users met this problem - If you accidentally tap on a phone number in the Contacts app without clicking the dial icon, the ROM at once wrongly notify the recorder "a new call is ongoing" so the recorder begins to show the in-call button or begins to record the fake call.
Obviously this is a bug in the ROM, no matter what recorder in the market you are using the problem will always be there. Boldbeast Recorder can perfectly bypass the bug. Please enable the "Call Settings - Outgoing Calls - Ongoing Upon Offhook" option in Boldbeast, then Boldbeast can detect "this is a fake call" so it will correctly ignore it.
Android 9
In some countries Android 9 works great, no root needed. However in some countries the call recording feature was disabled, you can only record your own voice, the caller's voice is very weak in recordings, no matter what recorder you are using in the market. In this case you should root the phone then this app can fix it perfectly. More information: … rding.html